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Yeni Raki Turkish Spirit 700ml

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Yeni Raki 700ml is a traditional Turkish spirit known for its unique anise flavor. Distilled from grapes and flavored with aniseed, this iconic beverage is a popular choice for aperitifs in Turkey.

To enjoy Yeni Raki 700ml, serve it with cold water in a ratio of 1:1 or 2:1 depending on your preference for strong or milder taste. Mix the two together slowly to create the "lion's milk" effect, and pair with a selection of mezes for a truly authentic Turkish dining experience.

Product Details

Size700 ml
  • The Gardener Gin 700ml

    The Gardener Gin 700ml

    The Gardener is a 42% ABV, organic, London Dry gin that's inspired by the French Riviera. It's made with fresh citrus fruits grown in the region, including bitter orange Bigarade, sweet orange, and pink grapefruit. The gin is distilled in copper stills from wheat and has a base of juniper, licorice, angelica, and coriander.




    BARSOL PISCO PRIMERO is a premium spirit originating from Peru. This 700ml bottle offers a smooth and versatile flavor profile, perfect for crafting a variety of cocktails.

    For best results, try mixing BARSOL PISCO PRIMERO with fresh citrus juices and simple syrup to create classic pisco cocktails like the Pisco Sour. Enjoy this unique spirit neat or mixed in your favorite cocktail recipes.




    SKINOS MASTIHA 700MLrasin is a unique spirit originating from Greece, specifically known for its distinct mastiha flavor profile. This spirit offers a refreshing and aromatic taste that is perfect for those looking to experience a taste of the Mediterranean region.

    Enjoy SKINOS MASTIHA 700MLrasin neat, on the rocks, or as a unique addition to cocktails. Its versatile flavor profile makes it a great choice for mixing with soda water or incorporating into creative cocktail recipes. Experiment with different garnishes and ingredients to elevate the flavors of this exquisite spirit.
