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RUM CHATA 50ML is a delicious cream liqueur sourced from carefully selected regions known for their high-quality spirits. This unique blend offers a rich and creamy flavor profile with hints of cinnamon, vanilla, and smooth Caribbean rum.

To enjoy RUM CHATA 50ML at its best, serve chilled over ice or use it as a decadent addition to cocktails and desserts. Its versatility makes it perfect for sipping on its own, mixing in coffee, or incorporating into your favorite dessert recipes for a flavorful twist.

Product Details

Size50 ml
  • 99 Chocolate liqueur 50ml

    99 Chocolate liqueur 50ml

    99 Chocolate Liqueur is a decadent and rich chocolate-flavored liqueur made with high-quality ingredients. This luxurious product originates from Germany, known for its superior craftsmanship in producing spirits.

    Enjoy 99 Chocolate Liqueur 50ml neat as a dessert drink, or add a splash to coffee or hot chocolate for an indulgent treat. This versatile liqueur can also be used in cocktails to add a hint of sweetness and depth of flavor.




    NEW AMSTERDAM WATERMELON 50ML is a refreshing spirit with a smooth watermelon flavor. Made in the Netherlands, this spirit offers a burst of sweetness perfect for any occasion.

    To enjoy this product, pour over ice and add a splash of soda water for a light and tasty cocktail. It can also be mixed with lemonade for a fruity twist on a classic drink. Experiment with different mixers to find your favorite combination!


  • GOLDSCHLAGER cinnamon 50ML

    GOLDSCHLAGER cinnamon 50ML

    GOLDSCHLAGER cinnamon 50ML is a renowned cinnamon-infused liquor originating from Switzerland. This premium spirit is known for its distinctive spicy flavor with a hint of sweetness, making it a popular choice for those who enjoy a unique and flavorful drink.

    To fully experience the rich cinnamon taste of GOLDSCHLAGER, it is best enjoyed chilled or over ice. This spirit also pairs well with a variety of cocktails, adding a warm and spicy kick to your favorite mixed drinks. Whether sipped neat or incorporated into creative cocktail recipes, GOLDSCHLAGER cinnamon 50ML is sure to elevate any drinking experience.


  • Gran gala orange 50ML LIQUEUR

    Gran gala orange 50ML LIQUEUR

    Gran Gala Orange 50ML Liqueur is a smooth and aromatic spirit with a rich orange flavor. This high-quality liqueur hails from Italy, known for its traditional craftsmanship in spirits production.

    Enjoy Gran Gala Orange Liqueur neat as a digestif, or mix it into cocktails for a citrusy twist. It pairs well with vodka, rum, and tequila for delicious and refreshing drinks. Experiment with different cocktail recipes to discover your favorite way to enjoy this versatile liqueur.




    Indulge in the rich and decadent flavor of GODIVA DARK CHOCOLATE 50ML. This premium spirit offers a smooth and intense dark chocolate taste, perfect for those who enjoy a luxurious treat. Produced in the renowned region of Belgium, known for its exquisite chocolate-making traditions, this spirit captures the essence of high-quality ingredients and expert craftsmanship.

    Enjoy GODIVA DARK CHOCOLATE 50ML straight as a delightful after-dinner indulgence, or use it as a flavorful addition to your favorite cocktails and desserts. For a truly luxurious experience, pair this spirit with a selection of fine chocolates or pour over ice cream for a decadent treat. Whether sipped neat or mixed into a cocktail, GODIVA DARK CHOCOLATE 50ML is sure to elevate any dining or entertaining experience.


  • E&J PEACH 50ML

    E&J PEACH 50ML

    E&J PEACH 50ML is a spirited peach-flavored beverage that offers a sweet and fruity taste profile. Crafted in the United States, this spirit captures the essence of ripe peaches in every sip, making it a refreshing choice for any occasion.

    To enjoy E&J PEACH 50ML at its best, serve it chilled over ice or mix it with your favorite fruit juice for a delightful cocktail. This versatile spirit can also be used in baking or cooking to add a unique peachy twist to your dishes.




    DRAMBUIE 15YR 50ML is a high-quality spirits product aged for 15 years, offering a rich and complex flavor profile with notes of honey, spices, and oak. This premium spirit originates from Scotland, known for its fine whisky traditions.

    To fully savor the flavors of DRAMBUIE 15YR 50ML, it is best enjoyed neat or on the rocks. This spirit can also be used in cocktails to add a sophisticated and flavorful twist. Serve in a tumbler glass to fully appreciate its depth and complexity.




    DI AMORE AMARETTO 50ML is a delicious spirit with a rich and smooth flavor profile. Made from carefully selected ingredients, this amaretto originates from Italy, where the art of crafting unique and flavorful spirits has been perfected over centuries.

    Enjoy DI AMORE AMARETTO 50ML neat as a digestif after a meal, or mix it with your favorite cocktail for a sweet and aromatic twist. This versatile spirit can also be used in baking and cooking to add a hint of almond and cherry flavors to your dishes. Cheers to indulging in the rich taste of Italian craftsmanship with DI AMORE AMARETTO 50ML.




    COINTREAU 50ML is a classic orange liqueur known for its smooth and citrusy flavor profile. Made in France, this spirit is crafted using a secret recipe that has been perfected over generations, resulting in a premium and high-quality product.

    This versatile spirit can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or used as a mixer in cocktails. Try adding a splash to your favorite margarita or Cosmopolitan for an extra burst of flavor. COINTREAU 50ML is the perfect addition to any home bar, offering a unique and sophisticated twist to your favorite drinks.




    BAILEYS Original 50ml is a classic Irish cream liqueur known for its rich and creamy flavor profile. Made with Irish whiskey and fresh dairy cream, this iconic spirit offers a perfect balance of sweetness and warmth. Imported directly from Ireland, BAILEYS Original is a beloved choice for those looking to indulge in a smooth and indulgent drink.

    To fully enjoy BAILEYS Original 50ml, serve chilled over ice or mix it into coffee for a deliciously decadent treat. This versatile spirit can also be used in cocktails or poured over desserts for added richness. Whether sipped on its own or added to your favorite drink recipe, BAILEYS Original is sure to elevate any occasion.
