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On the Rocks Aviation 375ml

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On the Rocks Aviation 375ml is a premium cocktail crafted with a blend of gin, maraschino liqueur, crème de violette, and lemon juice. This classic cocktail originated in the early 20th century and delivers a balanced blend of floral and citrus notes.

To enjoy On the Rocks Aviation, simply pour over ice and stir gently to chill. Garnish with a lemon twist or cherry for an added touch of elegance. This cocktail is perfect for sipping on its own or pairing with light appetizers.

  • Crown Royal Blackberry 750ml

    Crown Royal Blackberry 750ml

    Crown Royal Blackberry 750ml is a premium Canadian whisky infused with rich blackberry flavor. This expression offers a harmonious blend of smooth vanilla and oak notes, highlighted by the tartness of fresh blackberries, making it a unique addition to the Crown Royal family. Crafted in Canada, this whisky reflects the craftsmanship and tradition of the region.

    For optimal enjoyment, Crown Royal Blackberry can be served neat, on the rocks, or mixed into cocktails. It pairs well with ginger ale or sparkling water, creating a refreshing beverage. Consider using it in summer cocktails or as an ingredient in dessert recipes for a delightful twist.


  • The Barker Company Espresso Martini 700ml

    The Barker Company Espresso Martini 700ml

    The Barker Company Espresso Martini 700ml is a premium ready-to-drink cocktail, expertly crafted to deliver a rich and bold flavor profile. This invigorating beverage combines the intense aroma of freshly brewed espresso with the smoothness of vodka, creating a perfect balance of bittersweet notes. Originating from the heart of coffee culture, this espresso martini exemplifies quality and sophistication.

    For optimal enjoyment, serve The Barker Company Espresso Martini chilled in a martini glass, garnished with coffee beans for an added touch. It is ideal for parties, celebrations, or a relaxing evening unwind. Shake well before serving to enhance the flavor and experience the full effect of the coffee essence.




    Introducing the Jack Daniels Winter Jack 750ML, a distinctive whiskey crafted in Lynchburg, Tennessee. This seasonal release features a rich flavor profile characterized by notes of caramel, vanilla, and hints of spice, offering a smooth finish that is perfect for warming up during colder months. The specially aged blend captures the essence of winter, making it a unique addition to the Jack Daniel's family.

    For the best experience, enjoy Jack Daniels Winter Jacket neat or on the rocks to savor its complex flavors. It also pairs well with classic cocktails; simply mix with ginger ale or apple cider for a festive twist. Ideal for sharing with friends or as a thoughtful gift, this whiskey enhances any winter gathering.




    The Macallan A Night on Earth 2024 is a premium single malt Scotch whisky hailing from the renowned Speyside region. This expression features a rich flavor profile, showcasing notes of warm spices, ripe fruits, and a hint of chocolate, complemented by a subtle oak influence. The whisky is expertly crafted, delivering a smooth and inviting taste experience that captures the essence of its heritage.

    This whisky is best enjoyed neat or on the rocks to fully appreciate its complex flavors. Consider pairing it with dark chocolate or aged cheeses to enhance the tasting experience. Additionally, it serves as an excellent choice for special occasions or as a thoughtful gift for whisky enthusiasts.




    MIDNIGHT MOON PEPPERMINT 750ML is a premium peppermint-flavored spirit crafted in the heart of the Appalachian region. This product boasts a refreshing flavor profile that combines the coolness of peppermint with the smoothness characteristic of traditional moonshine, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a spirited experience.

    For optimal enjoyment, MIDNIGHT MOON PEPPERMINT can be served chilled as a shot or used as a versatile mixer in cocktails. Consider pairing it with hot chocolate or coffee for a warming winter beverage, or incorporate it into dessert recipes for an added minty flair.


  • Pascal Jolivet Attitude Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Pascal Jolivet Attitude Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Pascal Jolivet Attitude Sauvignon Blanc is a crisp and refreshing white wine hailing from the renowned Loire Valley in France. This 750ml bottle showcases vibrant flavors of green apple, citrus, and subtle herbal notes, making it a perfect example of the region's celebrated Sauvignon Blanc profile.

    For optimal enjoyment, serve this wine chilled at a temperature of 6-8°C. It pairs well with seafood dishes, fresh salads, and light pasta, making it an excellent choice for summer gatherings and casual dining experiences.


  • Alessandro Gallici Extra Dry Controllata Prosecco 750ml

    Alessandro Gallici Extra Dry Controllata Prosecco 750ml

    Alessandro Gallici Controllata Prosecco is a sparkling wine from the Veneto region of Italy, known for its bright and refreshing flavor profile. This Prosecco exhibits notes of crisp green apple, pear, and subtle floral undertones, balanced by a lively effervescence and a clean finish, making it a delightful choice for various occasions.

    For optimal enjoyment, serve Alessandro Gallici Controllata Prosecco chilled at around 6-8°C. It pairs well with light appetizers, seafood dishes, and is an excellent choice for toasting at celebrations or casual gatherings. Consider enjoying it in a flute to fully appreciate the bubbles and aromas.




    Introducing CHIARLO BAROLO TORTONIANO, a premium red wine hailing from the prestigious Barolo region of Italy. Known for its full-bodied structure, this wine presents an opulent flavor profile characterized by notes of dark cherry, plum, and subtle hints of earthiness, complemented by a well-integrated tannic backbone and a long finish.

    For optimal enjoyment, it is recommended to decant CHIARLO BAROLO TORTONIANO for at least an hour prior to serving. This wine pairs excellently with hearty dishes such as braised meats, rich pasta, and aged cheeses, enhancing the overall dining experience.




    ABSTRACT ORIN SWIFT RED 750ML is a meticulously crafted red wine that showcases a bold flavor profile with rich notes of dark berries, cherry, and a hint of spice. Hailing from California’s renowned wine regions, this wine reflects the unique terroir and meticulous winemaking practices that contribute to its complexity and depth.

    This red wine pairs excellently with hearty dishes such as grilled meats, rich pastas, and aged cheeses. For optimal enjoyment, serve slightly below room temperature and consider decanting it for around 30 minutes before serving to enhance its flavors and aromas.


  • Milagro Reposado Tequila 1.75Lt

    Milagro Reposado Tequila 1.75Lt

    Milagro Reposado 1.75Lt is a premium tequila hailing from the heart of Jalisco, Mexico. This spirit features a balanced flavor profile with hints of oak, vanilla, and subtle agave sweetness, resulting from the unique aging process in American oak barrels for up to six months. Its smooth finish makes it an ideal choice for both sipping and mixing in cocktails.

    For optimal enjoyment, serve Milagro Reposado chilled in a glass or use it as a base for classic cocktails like Margaritas or Tequila Sunrises. It can also be paired with savory dishes, enhancing the dining experience while showcasing its rich flavor nuances.
