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On the Rocks Whiskey Sour Spiced Pear 375ml

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On the Rocks Whiskey Sour Spiced Pear 375ml is a delightful cocktail mix featuring the flavors of spiced pear and whiskey. Made in the USA, this ready-to-drink cocktail offers a perfect blend of sweetness and spice.

To enjoy, simply pour over ice and stir gently for a refreshing and flavorful drink. Garnish with a slice of pear or a cinnamon stick for added flair.

Product Details

Size375 ml


    ST ELIZABETH ALLSPICE DRAM 375ML is a rich and aromatic allspice liqueur from the Caribbean island of Jamaica. Made from the finest allspice berries, this dram boasts complex flavors of warm spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves, with hints of pepper and citrus.

    Enjoy ST ELIZABETH ALLSPICE DRAM 375ML in cocktails such as the classic Pimento Dram Punch or use it as a flavorful addition to marinades and sauces. This versatile liqueur can also be drizzled over desserts like ice cream or added to hot beverages for a spicy kick.


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    ON THE ROCKS BLUE HAWAIIAN CRUZAN is a refreshing spirit with the tropical flavors of blue curacao, pineapple, and coconut. This premium product is crafted using Cruzan rum, known for its quality and smooth finish, giving it a unique and delicious taste profile.

    To enjoy ON THE ROCKS BLUE HAWAIIAN CRUZAN, simply pour over ice in a rocks glass for a chilled and flavorful experience. This spirit is perfect for sipping on a hot summer day or for mixing into your favorite tropical cocktails for a fun and fruity twist.


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    Milagro Silver Tequila 375ml is a premium spirit originating from Mexico. This tequila offers a smooth and crisp taste with citrus and agave notes, perfect for creating classic cocktails or enjoying on its own.

    For best results, serve Milagro Silver Tequila neat or on the rocks, or use it as a base for margaritas and other tequila-based cocktails. This versatile spirit is ideal for mixing and sipping, providing a high-quality experience with every pour.


  • Walker Peppermint Schnaps 375ml

    Walker Peppermint Schnaps 375ml

    Walker Peppermint Schnaps 375ml is a refreshing and aromatic peppermint-flavored liqueur. Made in Germany, this schnaps offers a smooth and crisp taste with a perfect balance of sweetness and minty freshness.

    Enjoy Walker Peppermint Schnaps on its own as a chilled shot or mix it into your favorite cocktails for a minty twist. This versatile spirit can also be drizzled over ice cream or added to hot chocolate for a cozy treat. Cheers to a classic peppermint schnaps experience!




    Walker Peach Schnapps is a delightful spirit known for its sweet peach flavor. Made from the finest ingredients, this 375ml bottle offers a taste of summertime in every sip. Crafted in the heart of the peach-growing region, this schnapps captures the essence of juicy, ripe peaches.

    Enjoy Walker Peach Schnapps neat as a smooth, fruity shot, or mix it with soda water for a refreshing cocktail. This versatile spirit can also be added to your favorite cocktails for a burst of peachy flavor. Perfect for sipping on its own or adding a fruity twist to your favorite mixed drinks.


  • Woodford Reserve Bourbon 375ml

    Woodford Reserve Bourbon 375ml

    Woodford Reserve Bourbon 375ml is a high-quality bourbon whiskey known for its rich flavor profile with notes of dried fruit, vanilla, and toasted oak. This small batch bourbon is crafted in Kentucky, the heart of bourbon country, using a traditional copper pot still distillation method.

    Enjoy Woodford Reserve Bourbon neat, on the rocks, or in classic cocktails such as Old Fashioned or Whiskey Sour. Its complex flavors and smooth finish make it a versatile spirit that can be enjoyed in various drinking occasions.




    WALKER TRIPLE SEC 375ML is a classic spirit known for its sweet citrus flavor profile. Originating from France, this triple sec is a versatile ingredient perfect for crafting cocktails.

    For best results, use WALKER TRIPLE SEC 375ML in your favorite margarita or cosmopolitan recipe. Its rich orange notes will elevate any mixed drink, adding a delicious depth of flavor.


  • Voda Vodka 375ml

    Voda Vodka 375ml

    Introducing Voda Vodka 375ml, a smooth and crisp vodka originating from Russia. This premium vodka boasts a clean and neutral flavor profile, perfect for mixing into your favorite cocktails or enjoying on the rocks.

    For optimal enjoyment, serve Voda Vodka chilled in a martini glass or mix it with your favorite juice or soda for a refreshing cocktail. This versatile spirit is sure to elevate any drink you create.




    TITOS VODKA 375ML is a classic American vodka known for its smooth and clean taste. Distilled in Austin, Texas, this vodka offers a balanced flavor profile with hints of pepper and citrus, making it perfect for mixing in cocktails or enjoying on its own.

    For best results, chill TITOS VODKA 375ML before serving straight or in your favorite cocktail. This versatile spirit pairs well with a variety of mixers and is sure to elevate any drink. Remember to drink responsibly and enjoy the crisp taste of TITOS VODKA 375ML.


  • The Pinot Project Pinot Noir 375ml

    The Pinot Project Pinot Noir 375ml

    THE PINOT PROJECT P.NOIR 375ML is a rich and fruity red wine from the renowned Pinot Noir grape variety. This wine hails from California, known for producing high-quality wines with distinctive flavors. The Pinot Project Pinot Noir boasts notes of ripe red berries, floral hints, and a smooth finish.

    This versatile wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, including grilled salmon, roast chicken, or mushroom risotto. Its balanced acidity and medium body make it a perfect accompaniment to lighter fare, enhancing the flavors of each dish without overpowering them. Enjoy a glass of THE PINOT PROJECT P.NOIR 375ML with your favorite meal for a truly delightful dining experience.
